Our Editorial Standards

The Black Voice features fearless independent reporting, commentary, and art from Black students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. 

Our Editorial Standards

As Black journalists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, we are at a crossroads on how to portray ourselves as arbiters of truth. We bring the entirety of our lived experiences as Black people on a campus that has less than a three percent Black student body to our publication. 

In our independence, we aim to highlight the most salient issues affecting the Black community  on campus. We will provide examples to support our arguments. Unless marked “opinion,” we do not publish pieces advocating for any type of activist group. We do not pretend to be impartial. We vow to constantly push both this institution and the campus community to recognize and accept, listen to and support Black students.  

However, we should not be represented as the entirety of the Black population at UW-Madison, nor should we be recognized as any “official mouthpiece” for the Black organizations that exist here. We are a space where aspiring Black writers and artists can express themselves and continue to practice their craft in a supportive environment, as we aim to amplify Black voices.  

As a news publication we value accuracy and clarity. All published pieces are extensively edited and fact-checked to the best of our ability by student editors. If you notice that a correction is needed, please contact us at blackvoicesuw@gmail.com and we will make the necessary changes.